The Dawoodi Bohra community follows the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed, offering a fascinating glimpse into faith, culture, and community. With a history tracing back to the Fatimi Imams in Egypt, they embrace a unique blend of religiosity and modernity.
Faith and Beliefs
Dawoodi Bohras believe in peace, love, and humanity, following the Fatimi Ismaili Tayyibi school of thought within Islam. They worship Allah and follow the pillars of Islam. A key aspect is the belief that an imam descended from the Prophet, currently represented by the 53rd al-Dai al-Mutlaq, His Holiness Dr Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS.
Heritage and Legacy
The Dawoodi Bohras have a rich history connected to the Fatimi imams who used to rule in the Islamic world. Since 1132, the imamat has been in seclusion, continuing through a line of succession. This connects the Dawoodi Bohras to the Shia Fatimi Ismaili Tayyibi branch of Islam, highlighting a deep link to their historical legacy.
Culture and Tradition
Dawoodi Bohras possess a unique cultural hallmark — Lisan al-Dawat, a language blending Arabic, Persian, Urdu, and Gujarati. Their distinctive attire, Libas al-Anwar, and communal eating customs underscore their commitment to family unity and solidarity, reflecting their dedication to peace and unity.
Trade and Business
Known for their honesty and trustworthiness, Dawoodi Bohras have a longstanding presence in trade and business. Today, their ethical business practices continue to be the hallmarks of Bohra traders, fostering trust and prosperity.
In essence, the Dawoodi Bohras offer a captivating journey through faith and culture. Their principles of peace, education, and societal engagement define their commitment to creating a harmonious world for all.
While this blog provides a broad overview of the Dawoodi Bohra community, it’s essential to note that the information presented here may not capture the entirety of their beliefs, practices, or contributions. For a more accurate and comprehensive understanding, I encourage readers to consult authoritative sources directly associated with the community.